Texas TLAC Online contains 46 modules across 19 techniques, grouped into two categories:
Building Strong Classroom Culture
Engaging Academics
Modules Now Aligned to TLAC 3.0!
Revisions include new videos and more research supporting our techniques, all with the goal of continuing to uplift and empower our students.
Texas TLAC Online Modules are FREE to Texas educators.
Texas TLAC Online modules are available FREE to current Texas public educators and students in Texas Educator Preparation programs.
Sign up with your district-provided email or university email to get access now.
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Building Strong Classroom Culture
What To Do
What To Do directions communicate what students SHOULD be doing, not what they SHOULDN'T be doing.
Planning & Delivering Directions
Set students up for success with directions that tell them clearly and simply what to do
Building Radar
Set the stage for success by giving observable directions and scanning the room
Be Seen Looking
Communicate to students that you're a careful observer
Least Invasive Intervention
The goal of Least Invasive Intervention is to make your redirections nearly invisible so that you can keep teaching and students can keep learning.
Non-Verbal Interventions
Help students get back on track by redirecting misbehaviors without using words
Two Key Verbal Reminders
Help students get back on track with quick redirections that help students stay focused on the content.
Private Individual Correction
Keep your one-on-one redirections supportive and private.
Strong Voice
Strong Voice is a technique for adjusting your speech and body language to ensure students listen carefully to what you say.
Establish Formal Register
Ensure your tone, expression and body language convey steadiness and composure to build a strong and positive classroom culture.
Use a strategic pause to make sure every student can hear what is being said.
Economy of Language & Quiet Presence
Speak concisely and quietly to show students that what you are saying is important.
Positive Framing
Give directions and redirections that motivate and inspire students to do their best work.
Frame Redirections Positively
Support students in focusing on their learning by giving directions that show trust and maintain privacy.
Motivate Effort & Excellence
Inspire students to do their best by challenging them and by reminding them about who they are striving to become.
Designing Classroom Systems
Create a vision for the systems in your classroom so academic learning can thrive.
Install Your Systems, Part 1: Roll Out
Invest students in your system with a brief, positively-framed introduction that shares the purpose for the system.
Install Your System, Part 2: Deliberate Practice
Design thoughtful practice to make sure your students are prepared to smoothly bring the system to life.
Transfer Ownership: Remove Scaffolding
Empower students to own classroom systems by limiting teacher talk to planned System Cues.
Do It Again
Sometimes the best way to support a student in adjusting behavior is to ask them to simply repeat their action and correct the mistake.
Remote Teaching: Building Culture
These modules help you build a positive, productive culture in a remote setting.
Remote Teaching: What to Do Directions Online
Support student success in a remote classroom by providing clear directions verbally and visually.
Remote Teaching: Narrate the Positive Online
Narrate the Positive to build an active and engaged remote learning community.
Engaging Academics
Improve the level of student engagement and thinking in your classroom with this reflection activity.
Reflect on student engagement and thinking in your own classroom - and strategies to enhance both.
Cold Call
When you Cold Call students, you call on them regardless of whether they have raised their hands or not.
Introducing Cold Call
Invest students in Cold Call with a brief, positively-framed introduction to the technique
Positive Cold Call Culture
Set students up for successful Cold Calls by ensuring that the technique is warm, predictable, and universal.
Time The Name
Maximize participation by asking your question before Cold Calling a student to answer
Unbundle & Follow-On
Call on students in a way that increases participation and encourages careful listening
Slow Call
Slow down your Cold Call to encourage students to think more deeply
Fundamentals of Turn and Talk
Improve the routine of using Turn & Talk effectively in the classroom.
Three Types of Writing
Improve student writing by utilizing different types of writing prompts.
Formative Writing
Implement Formative prompts to help students use writing as a thinking tool.
Developmental Writing: Art of the Sentence
Use the discipline of writing a single sentence to help students think and write with greater precision. (Formerly Three Types of Prompts)
Show Call
Show Call is a variation on Cold Call. When you Show Call, you use student work to prompt further learning, analysis, and revision.
Show Call with Purpose
Be strategic about the student work you show and when you show it
Positive Show Call Culture
Build a culture in which students want to have their work shown.
Analysis & Application
Help students to analyze each other's work and to apply what they've learned
Ways of Reading
Support students with Fluent, Accountable, Social, and Expressive (FASE) Reading and Accountable Independent Reading (AIR).
FASE Reading - Fluency Expression
FASE Reading is a system for reading aloud together with your students that builds community, increases comprehension, and makes it easier to read more with your students every day.
FASE Reading - Accountability
Ensure that all kids are reading along with you in order to reap the benefits of FASE reading.
Accountable Independent Reading
Support students in reading rigorous texts independently
Knowledge Organizers
Support students in doing the heavy intellectual lifting in your classroom by providing them with this resource to build their knowledge base.
Retrieval Practice
Help students retain and access the knowledge they are learning by building retrieval practice into your classroom routines.
Lesson Planning and Preparation
Set yourself and your students up for success by taking these steps before class even starts.
Lesson and Materials
Plan what you and your students will be doing at each point in the lesson
Lesson Preparation
Determine how you will teach the content outlined within a lesson plan to maximize student learning.
Plan for Error
Plan for Error is the process of anticipating student misunderstandings and determining how you will respond to them in the moment.
Anticipate Student Error
Help yourself notice and respond to student error by planning for it
Break It Down
Respond to incorrect answers in a way that helps students get to "right"
Exit Tickets
An Exit Ticket is a short, formative assessment that you can use to evaluate your students' success with the lesson objective. Learn how to design Exit Tickets effectively and how to analyze and act on the data you collect.
Design Criteria
Design an informal end-of-lesson assessment that provides formative data on student learning
Analyze & Act
Use end-of-lesson assessment data to inform tomorrow's teaching
Stretch It
When you Stretch It, you respond to students' correct answers with more challenging questions.
Directive & Non-Directive Prompts
Reward “right” answers with more challenging questions
Remote Teaching: Engaging Academics
These modules help you create engaging and inclusive classrooms, building breadth of participation and depth of thought.
Everybody Writes: Using the Chat
Use the chat to drive active engagement and surface ideas from all students.
Remote Teaching: Positive Cold Call Online
Help students feel seen and valued online with Positive Cold Call.
Remote Teaching: Double Plan Online
Prepare what you and your students will say and do throughout the lesson.